Remembering the Past: A Day at Auschwitz-Birkenau

We made the necessary visit to this site in order to remember the atrocities and honor the victims so neither are forgotten. We booked a comprehensive tour of the infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau complex, which included transportation, admission, and a certified guide. This haunting site stands as the most well-known and deadliest concentration camp of the Nazi regime’s final solution. These camps provided their Nazi overseers the means to murder an estimated 1.1 million people between 1940 and 1945.


This was a former Polish military barracks that was turned into a prisoner of war camp and then a concentration camp.

Entrance sign to Auschwitz I – Arbeit macht freI (“work sets you free”)
Map showing Auschwitz
Our guide providing insight
used canisters of Zyklon B
Shoes of victims
Victim’s suitcases with their address
Execution area known as the “death wall” between blocks 10 and 11
Block 10 – human medical experiments
Gallows where Rudolf Hess was executed
Entrance to gas chamber, Auschwitz I
Inside the gas chamber, Auschwitz I


Auschwitz II-Birkenau was the extermination camp. Of the people that arrived through these gates, the majority were immediately sent to the gas chambers. The entire Auschwitz-Birkenau site is registered with UNESCO World Heritage as evidence of this inhumane, cruel and methodical effort to deny human dignity to groups considered inferior, leading to their systematic murder. 

In contrast to Auschwitz I and its brick barracks, Birkenau’s barracks were constructed of wood, mainly using inmates as salve labor. The majority of the barracks are gone with only the brick chimneys left as a reminder of their location and abundance.

Train tacks leading into Auschwitz II-Birkenau – Nazi concentration and extermination camp
Inside Birkenau
Unloading ramps and selection area for transports
Those selected for work entered the camp
Those not selected for work went to the gas chambers
Ruins of one the Birkenau’s gas chambers
Ruins of one of the crematoria
Block 25 “Death Barrack”
Inside block 25